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Political Parties

Evaluations about and expectations for the discourse, decisions and policies of political parties through current events.

3 Results
By Date By Relevance

Political Preferences

January'25 Barometer - 160
31 Jan 2025
The section includes which party respondents would prefer to vote for if elections were held today, who they want to govern Turkey, their expectations for ea
Politics Vote preference Election Erdogan RTE President President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Erdogan report card Early election Constitutional amendment Who should govern Turkey? Devlet Bahceli Ekrem İmamoglu Fatih Erbakan Mansur Yavas Müsavat Dervisoglu Ozgur Ozel Selahattin Demirtas Umit Ozdag Barometer160

Political Preferences

December'24 Barometer - 159
31 Dec 2024
The chapter covers which party respondents would prefer to vote for if elections were held today, who they want governing Turkey, the change in party bases according to voter clusters and President Erdoğan's report card. The section also includes Prof. Hasan Kirmanoğlu's analysis of the Ak Parti and CHP voter clusters.
Election Leaders Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Ekrem Imamoglu Devlet Bahçeli Fatih Erbakan Mansur Yavaş Müsavat Dervişoğlu Özgür Özel Selahattin Demirtaş Ümit Özdağ Presidential Election Political Parties Who Should Govern Turkey?

Political Preferences

November'24 Barometer - 158
30 Nov 2024
The section includes which party respondents would prefer to vote for if elections were held today, who they want to govern Turkey and President Erdoğan's report card:Which party
If there were an election today Who should govern Turkey Devlet Bahçeli Fatih Erbakan Mansur Yavaş Özgür Özel Müsavat Dervişoğlu Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Selahattin Demirtaş Ümit Özdağ Presidency Election Presidential Election Political Leaders Leaders Erdoğan's report card Report card President's report card Ekrem İmamoğlu