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Social Welfare

The conditions necessary for social welfare, changes in the perception of welfare and people's perceptions of their own position over the years, the relationship between welfare and politics and other social dynamics.

3 Results
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Spending Expectations and Household Expenses

December'24 Barometer - 159
31 Dec 2024
The chapter analyses how the expenditures of the society will be shaped in the next one year and whether they will tend to save money in their expenditures depending on their expenditures. Analyses of the ratios of basic expenses consisting of bills and rent to monthly household income according to socio-demographic clusters are also evaluated in the section: How do you think yo
Expenditure Expectations Household expenses Food expenses Bills Kitchen expenses Education expenses Clothing expenses Household income Savings Rent

Morale Index

December'24 Barometer - 159
31 Dec 2024
In the section, the monthly trends of the crisis expectations of the society, the economic hardship expectations of individuals in their own lives and their ability to make ends meet are monitored: Were you able to make ends meet last month? (January‘22-December’24) Those expecting an economic crisis in Turkey in the coming months (January‘22-December’24) Tho
Morale Index Livelihood Economic crisis Inflation Debt Crisis expectation #Livelihood

Morale Index

November'24 Barometer - 158
30 Nov 2024
The section tracks the monthly trends in the public's expectation of a crisis, people's expectations of economic hardship in their own lives and their ability to make ends meet:Di
Morale index Getting by Economic crisis Crisis expectation Inflation