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Definitions and sources of nationalism; its relationship with politics and political preferences; its impact on the view of current events.

2 Results
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Current Developments in the Kurdish Issue

November'24 Barometer - 158
30 Nov 2024
The section also includes attitudes towards the trustees appointed to replace the mayors of Mardin, Batman and Esenyurt district of Istanbul after the local elections. Attitudes towards the solution of the Kurdish problem and opinions on the detention of Selahattin Demirtaş are also analyzed in the section:
Kurdish issue Trusteeship Trustees Trustee appointments Trustees to the municipalities Mayor of Esenyurt Ahmet Özer Mardin Batman Halfeti DEM Party DEM Party truestees Selahattin Demirtaş Selahattin Demirtaş imprisonment Edirne prison Education in native language Solutions to the Kurdish issue How to solve the Kurdish issue Which party would solve the Kurdish issue Turkish Armed Forces TAF TAF interactions Martyr TAF personnel Military Military officer Kurds

Perceiving Turkish Nationalism

November'24 Barometer - 158
30 Nov 2024
The chapter examines current positioning and attitudes towards Turkish nationalism:Do any of the following describe you? If so, which one?
Turkish nationalism Nationalism Political Identities Turkist Idealist Nationalist Ulusalcı Patriot From Turkey DEM Party Kurds DEM Party voters Division of Turkey Fear of division Division of the country